Ruby and Rails Mountain Lion Hiccups

So when Mac OS X Mountain Lion was released a few days ago I jumped on upgrading and got switched over as soon as I could. My mentality for upgrading is that I would much rather deal with the pain of upgrading in smaller chunks when needed rather than waiting. Plus, I just like to be on the latest and greatest in terms of the tools I use for my job.

Anyways, below is going to be a listing of some of the hiccups that either I or other developers on my team have run into in terms of their Ruby and Rails development environment setups.


Some of the devs on my team had Git installed via the git-osx-installer. These developers seemed to lose their Git installs when they upgraded. I was using a Homebrew install of Git and it worked just fine for me after upgrading. So be aware of what your situation is and resort to brew because it is awesome.

XCode 4.4

In order to build gems with the native exensions and just to have the basic development tools around I installed the latest XCode 4.4. Once installed I went to the preferences menu, in the download tab, and chose to install the Command Line Tools because that is really what I was looking for more than anything. I have read on other posts online that you can download the Command Line Tools alone and install just them. I personally chose to install XCode as I do use XCode and the native tools to work on iPhone/iPad app development as well.


The latest XCode now comes with clang/llvm which is a new C/C++/Objective-C compiler. The problem is that the Ruby language isn't fully compatible with clang and llvm. Therefore, you need to install GCC 4.2 using Homebrew. GCC 4.2 is the latest version of the GCC compiler that apple provided before switching to clang/llvm. Anyways, you can install GCC 4.2 by doing the following with brew:

brew tap homebrew/dupes
brew install apple-gcc42

The above will install the apple gcc-4.2 in a side by side fashion with XCode. This means that it won't mess up your existing XCode install like other solutions.

Once you install gcc-4.2 then you can install/reinstall your ruby version inside of RVM as needed.

Apache 2 (Web Sharing)

In the upgrade it seems that they have revamped the Sharing preference pane. In the process of this it seems that Apple has decided to remove the Web sharing component of this preference pane. Don't worry though. Apache is still there and running. You just can't start it and stop it from the preferences pane anymore. You can use the following commands instead.

sudo apachectl stop
sudo apachectl start
sudo apachectl restart

Note: When the upgrade happened it nuked all my /etc/apache2/users/ configs and all my other apache configs. So, if you have any custom apache configs as I did you should probably back them up before upgrading.


It seems that another thing that was changed with the upgrade to Mac OS X Mountain Lion was that they removed the X11 that I had previously installed and seemed to no longer provide it. Thats ok though because XQuartz 2.7.2 is what you want and it is available freely at Just install that bad boy and follow the on screen instructions to reboot when it is done and you should be good to go in terms of X11.


Before upgrading I had ImageMagick installed via Homebrew. After, the upgrade was finished my ImageMagick was exiting with failures about some dylib. To solve this problem I simply ran the following and I was back in running order with respect to ImageMagick:

brew upgrade imagemagick


I use Pygments to handle syntax highlighting in my jekyll sites and it seemed to not be working after the upgrade. I believe this is because it is now using Python 2.7.2. To resolve this issue I just re-installed Pygments using the following:

sudo easy_install Pygments