Pullwalla - Keepin' it Going
You're receiving this email because you subscribed to updates for Pullwalla. Your unified pull request manager.
Where are we at?
We are happy to share with you that since the last email update we have made some very significant changes. These are all available now in the releases in the App Stores.
Now on iOS, iPad & macOS
One of these changes is that we have ported Pullwalla macOS over to work on iOS and iPad.
Now you can enjoy managing pull requests on your Apple devices whether you are on the couch with your iPad and just need to make a quick response or at your computer and doing a deep review.
We have also added support to manage pull requests from Bitbucket Cloud and are in the process of adding support for Bitbucket Server & Data Center.
This enables you to manage pull requests across all your GitHub & Bitbucket accounts whether you are a consultant with client repos spread across multiple accounts or just a dev on a team that uses Bitbucket for hosting their library, service, and app repositories.
Diff Stats Feature
Let's say you are leaving for lunch in 15 mins and want to jump on a quick PR. How do you find a bite-sized PR to review without digging through repos and wasting those precious minutes?
Diff Stats is a new addition to the Pull Request Characteristics that solves this problem by facilitating visual scanning of PR size while also exposing details of additions, removals, and changes when you want them.
If there is a PR that has 1000 additions and 1 removal, the PR will show a large green segment for the additions and a small red segment for the removals. Combined these provide you with a quick visual indication of size.
Improvements & Bug Fixes
Beyond the above feature additions we have made numerous improvements and bug fixes. The following are some highlights.
- showing window when dock icon is clicked on macOS
- notifications for new/updated pull requests for Pro users
- a compact view mode that limits pull request description body to only one line of text
To get a full breakdown checkout the Pullwalla macOS Change Log or Pullwalla iOS Change Log.
Where to next?
At a high level next steps are as follow to start.
- add Shared Subscriptions across Devices
- add iCloud Sync of Accounts
- add Enterprise Integration with both GitHub and Bitbucket
Beyond that we are also working on implementing PR interactions, Details View, PR Comments, Approve/Reject, etc. To keep tabs on where we are going you can always check out our public Roadmap.
Thoughts or suggestions?
As always, we’d love to hear from you.
Keepin' it Going
Our thoughts and prayers are with all those dealing with COVID-19. With the onslaught of the virus, we have been lucky enough to be a company that is able to shift to fully remote work and stay productive. To help us remain connected with our team, we built TeamSmash, a visual presence tool for remote teams that integrates with Slack. We find it very helpful, so we wanted to share in case it could help your team with the adjustment to remote work. It is a completely free app.
Stay safe, stay positive, and keep it going!
The Pullwalla team