Sizing and Optimizing Images for iOS

Real world example of how we decide how to size and optimize images for use in an iOS application.

Inline Links in Text in iOS Apps

Adding links inline with text in your iOS app

Decided what to Build

A brief look at the how and why we chose to build what we did.

Git Commit and Tag Signing

Git Commits and Tags are great on their own, except they don't really guarantee identity unless you sign them.

Remote Stand-ups at UpTech

Daily stand-up meetings are great, but hard when some (or all) of your team works remotely. At UpTech we rely on Slack to hold virtual standups.

RSpec Basics Screencast

A screencast introducing the basics of RSpec

Cucumber Basics Screencast

A real introduction and demonstration of applying Cucumber.

Git Under the Hood Screencast

Beginnings of looking at Git trees and the core components.